“I really do appreciate people who stimulate my creativity and make me think on a deeper level.”
Our schedule today, post blog, will be driving range (to see how many balls I can hit out of a bucket). Next we expect take nourishment followed by go karts on a full stomach. The current wife and daughter Debby, the younger elder are off shopping but will meet up for karting. After that is up in the air. Jenny, Sven and LG are at the water park while I am writing. I chose to avoid the water park today. More on that later.
Yesterday was a day of yuck. This area had 2.7 inches of rain. Yes, and it rained all day. Kind of flip flopped our schedule. We took to the sightseeing set of activities instead of a round of golf. We explored the Gull Lake area where we discovered Craguns and Maddens resorts. We were impressed with Maddens and not so much Craguns. We went on the search for Grand View Resort but found Nisswa. This town was really were the action was on a rainy day. Everyone not heading back to the city on a rainy day was there. We left a few ducats at the Chocolate Ox. It is an unassuming store which contains all sugar laced confections being sold today plus their ice cream was an event. A single dip cone consisted of a rather large cone and the largest single scoop of ice cream I have seen. I was drawn in and took the bait with a standard vanilla which through me into a sugar induced coma for a couple of hours. We couldn't take in all that Nisswa had to offer because of the rain but it is worth further exploration for sure.
We are staying at a Holiday Inn Express with a small indoor water park. LG is with us and this is one of his favorite spots for sure. LG is four you see. Jenny, the elder, Sven, and LG are with the rest of the aforementioned group. Those 3 have had a hoot going down the slides, they have three of them. LG is doing the red water slide and loves it while Sven and Jenny are honing their skills on the blue and yellow slides. Sven told us last night that the key to the yellow slide was to arch your back so that you were resting on your heels and the back of your head. The advantage of this technique is to reduce drag so you can maximize velocity.
I have never been one to pass up an opportunity to injure myself. I had to give this yellow tube a try. Have you ever wondered why your brain ages so much slower than your body? I have given this a lot of thought, usually as I am recovering from some type of injury. My first couple of trips down the yellow beast were just to get familiar with the nuances of the tube. My third run I tried employing the technique espoused by Sven with only partial success. At the first bend in the tube, I attempted the head/toe form. Somehow, and I'm still not sure how this happened, I managed to do a 180 degree turn plus a half rotation. Instead of zooming down feet first on my back, I plummeted head first on my stomach. At the second big bend the unthinkable happened. Yep, my trunks came off and were several feet behind me. There was no stopping. I exploded out of the tunnel, sans trunks, in all of my ample old agedness. I believe I have destroyed all photos and video; at least I hope so. It is funny, well not really, but my current wife, Sue's cousin had just warned us about that on Facebook.
Once again clad in my trunks that are cinched so tight I can hardly breath, I am goaded into giving it another try. I mounted the steps without any swagger what so ever. I mentally prepare myself for what was to come. Employing “visual imaging” I went through every turn, twist and body position for this tube in my mind. Ready I took the plunge. Turn 1 I successfully employed the planeing technique Sven had taught me and I was really sailing. I'm going faster and faster. What a thrill when I exited the tube. Trunks intact for the most part. Well, they were on my body but they had ridden up quite a bit. The bigger problem was the cramp that overtook my body as I tried to straighten out. The lifeguards were great. Lying on the concrete with only my toes and head touching, two of them steadied my body and talked softly to me. A third guy stood on my belly so that my back muscle would stretch out. It worked and I was fine after that. Not sure if I got all of the photos or videos from this event. There was quite a crowd. I learned later that it was Sven standing on my stomach. Thanks Sven! This experience with a water park will last me for some time no doubt. Next up, go-karts. Piece of cake, right?
The eateries we have frequented so far on this trip have been a somewhat interesting blend of “The Great Outdoors”, “Twilight Zone”, and “What Would You Do?” Grizzly's and Boulder Tap Company were out of “The Great Outdoors” movie with a North woods theme, healthy portions and hearty menu. My visit to the local Coldstone Creamery or whatever was certainly from an episode of “What Would You Do?” I ordered a “Love It” vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce (Chocolate Sunday). This kid looks at me with a rather blank stare. He turns to the guy at the cash register who has his own issues. Seems as though the customer 3 people ahead of me is requesting a receipt. Cash Register Frankie has no clue how to do this. Meanwhile, my guy, is asking Frankie where the vanilla ice cream is. Huh? Then asks me if I mean yogurt. Ah, no I mean vanilla. At this point I point to the “French Vanilla” directly in front of me, he grabs a couple of slabs, plops them on the cold stone, pushes a divot in the middle. Next he asks if fudge will work. Yes son it will. He squirts a minimal amount of chocolate fudge in the center and proceeds to mix it together. Now I am just wanting to get this, whatever it is, and get out of there. The Chocolate Ox was such a godsend for ice cream.
The White Waterfall Cafe had kind of twilight zone feel to it. We had lunch there on the way to Nisswa. On the outside it looked like a local bar/cafe built in the 50's with little up keep since then. Entering we are transporting back into an earlier time when life was simpler. I would think this is more of a local haunt than a touristy one. The food was good but the beverages left a little to be desired. In the middle of our meal, the lights went out but came back on quickly but rendered the card processing machine inoperable. This was a cash only meal. Overall, we have had a great time with some memorable moments. What more do you want? In closing, I haven't seen one loon yet.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service. – TA!
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