Lord, Give Me Coffee To Change The Things I Can Change,
And Wine To Accept The Things I Can't.
And Wine To Accept The Things I Can't.
Hi, Captain Obnoxious here. To all of the fathers who read the Drivel, I hope you are happy. You finally had an official day to goof off. The Captain was entertained by the daughters and Chef Sven with a Sunday Lunch. It had elements of the Paleo Diet and some ordinary things. Those two, Jenny & Sven, have a knack with cooking. Always good stuff. I was blessed by the girls with a commemorative brick to be installed at the Veterans Memorial near the Kernels Stadium right here in Cedar Rapids. Pretty darn cool idea and really appreciative of that. Oh they presented me with a couple of other neat things as well. A very good time had by all. Made me feel proud to have kidlets like that. Thanks a lot, girls.
Most of you know that the Solid Waste Agency and our trash pickup people (the Garbage Gestapo) don't really get along. I have been ranting about them for some time. They just refuse to get it right. I don't know if they are lobbying for $35.00 per hour minimum wage or a shorter work week. But they do have something that is itching them. Maybe gnats!

I took a week off from ranting last week. I had the opportunity to attend the infamous Cedar Rapids Farmers Market and Craft Exchange. It really is more about crafts than the farmer's, which is a shame. Low and behold right in front of us was a display of City Services including one of the automated trash collection trucks. Several workers were mingling around it. One thing they really know how to do. Lucy the 3 foot basset hound was there as was Curby the mascot. I took the opportunity to get a couple of photos with the notables. I was incognito so they didn't realize who I was and I certainly didn't volunteer any information.
June is PTSD Awareness Month. Talk about having my “Awareness” down, I didn't realize it until I read it on the VA website. Everyone should be aware of this condition. You likely have a friend, relatives or even yourself may be afflicted. The adage “It is never too late....” certainly applies. I didn't realize that I had it until I retired. I mean all these years I was aware that I was a little different but I certainly didn't know what it was. You see when we came home from 'Nam, many of us had this problem but there was no name, no treatment, and nothing to be done. Plus, we pretty much burned our uniforms and hid in the closet. I ran across a short poem the other day that I can identify with. I thought I would share it with y’all. This written by a K9 Sentry but certainly applies to those of us in the towers right behind them.
Base Under Attack (“Poems from a Soldier” by Steve Janke)
Our tour of night duty often started off quiet
Yet the danger was always there.
You stayed tense and on the alert
As into the jungle you'd stare.
You start to think that the peace and calm
May last throughout the entire night.
Then the man on the radio
Announces that one of our other bases is in the fight.
Increase your vigilance we are told
And quarter your post once more.
For Da Nang and Phan Rang are under attack
And Charlie may be at our door.
We curse the night and the fear we feel
As we do what we are told.
Our sentry dog is eager to work
For he alone is courageous and bold.
Our heart is beating so heavily as the blood Rushes throughout our whole being,
And the fear of death once again Is all that we are seeing.
So we hold on to his leash
And hope for the best As off in the night we walk on.
For other bases are under attack
So tonight it's the same old song.
"Poems From a Soldier"
An open message to the paranoid people. Dear paranoid people who check behind their shower curtains for murderers, if you do find one, what's your plan?
Last week I was ranting about stupid people. I hope I didn't offend anyone. Afterward I got a bit remorseful for the way I lit into them. I've got to stop saying “How stupid can you be?” Too many people are taking it as a challenge.
One of “those” sent me a text message last week. It went “Got a new cell phone and number. Text me and I will send it to you!” Aaaah, right!
June 17th, 1964 – The Chapel of Love by the Dixie Cups was No. 1 on Billboard.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service. – TA!
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