Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trash Tuesday and Other Stuff

Current Conditions:
Weather: Clear & COLD (-7 degrees)
Today's Events of Note:
     Trash to the Curb by 7:00 am
     Mary, Queen of Scots, was beheaded today in 1587
     U of I Softball Kickoff Banquet - Kinnick Stadium - 5:15 today
     Boy Scouts were incorporated in 1910

     Nick Nolte
     John Grisham
     Ted Koppel
     Mary Steenburgen
     James Dean

Today's Drivel:
Kinnick joined us over the weekend.  He woke up early on Sunday - around 4:00 am.  Didn't think to ask him what his problem was but I do know that he demanded tummy rubs for about an hour.  Finally, over my protests, he made me get up. I plodded through the normal routine; made coffee, got the paper, fed Kinnick, got a sip of coffee, let Kinnick out to do his duty.  I then sat down to read the paper and sip on the French Roast.  Halfway through the coffee, I looked at the clock and muttered, "What the H%$ll, it is Super Bowl Sunday, I'm going back to bed".  I went back to bed.  Kinnick almost beat me into the bed.  This is HUGE because I NEVER go back to bed once I am up.  Kinnick, on the other hand, has no trouble with sleeping.  We arose for the final time at 7:10.

Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday.  I went to Jenny, the elders, house and watched the game on the big screen.  Debby, the younger and her pug kids, Barney & Max, were in attendance also.  We had a great time with plenty to eat and drink.  Probably the last  pig out opportunity for quite a while.
I watched some of the pre-game hoopla.  It struck me that the testorome level in the stadium was at all time levels? OMG!  You could cut it with a plastic fork - it was thick.  Locally, I have noticed this past week the levels have been rising daily.  At the gym, for instance, the muscle bound behemoths are flexing more frequently while doing fewer lifts and trash talking more.  On the streets, these muscle bound behemoths in their pickup trucks are letting their hormones rage.  On Monday, one guy was juiced up and ran a red light.  I mean it was not even close.  I had been stopped for 5 seconds myself.  Wednesday, one of these idiots was trying to impress everyone by spinning his wheels and sliding around in a Wendy's parking lot.  Thursday night was not a good night at Taco Bell.  A lady and her kids were at the pick-up window in their van.  Testosterone Tommy, sitting next in line in his pick-up, got impatient.  He gunned the engine and rammed the lady's van, not once but three times pushing her out of line.  She called 911 as did the window clerk.  Tommy calmly pulled up to the window where he sat waiting for his order.  He order it seemed was slow in coming. Seems as though the Taco Bell staff were waiting for the cops. Our Cedar Rapids finest did show up almost immediately and arrested poor Tommy.  Rumor has it that his judgement was impaired by high levels of testosterone.  Don't think that will fly in court dude.

On a personal level, I have made great effort to maintain my levels.  You may have noted in my last post,  maintaining a cool head was a bit difficult with my doctors visit.  I didn't think to ask what my testosterone level was.  Maybe you can't test that from the urine sample.  I maintained a low profile until game time where I let it loose.  Kinnick and I are worked out in the dog gym for about an hour. Decked out with my cheese head, we watched the game.  GO Packers!  Glad they won.  We had an Iowa guy, Brian Bulaga (rookie starting offensive right tackle).  He did a great job.

MacBlu, my good ole neighbor, weighed in on my doctor rant the other day.  He reminded me about all of the commercials for prescription drugs.  Why are these allowed on TV anyway.  Are we supposed to pressure our doctor to prescribe these drugs?  If you listen to the legal disclaimer, why would anyone want to use these pills anyway.  Usually if you want a little while, you will see a commercial wanting you to sign up for a class action law suit against some of these same drugs being promoted for sale.  Good Grief, Charlie!!!

I think I will change my doctor to Dr. Oz.  I have access to him every day on TV.  He doesn't charge much for an office visit and I can get all of the info I need right there. 

The girls presented me with a Body Bugg for my birthday.  How great is that?  Oh, by the way, what is a Body Bugg?  At first I thought it might be a device for humans that kept us free from bugs like fleas and ticks. Being in the kennel and dog gym fictional business, this would be useful.  Upon closer inspection, it seems this device, when strapped to your arm, measures the calories burned every second of the day.  The data is uploaded periodically to their website.  You can also add the foods eaten during the day.  Calories eaten minus calories burned reflect the number of calories lost or gained.  Actually pretty handy tool coupled with our daily workouts.

My current wife and I both have Blackberry phones.  It has a built in camera and video features.  These can be downloaded to your computer, added to facebook or emailed.  Pretty cool.  Only problem is there is no way I can find to transfer the photos to the computer.  Oh, they have an app which is supposed to sync your computer with the phone - IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!

Okay, enough for today.  The French Roast is gone, the body needs breakfast and I need to see how far I can throw this Blackberry.  If you live behind me, you may want to stay inside for a while.  Just saying!!  Till next time - TA!

1 comment:

  1. Since the app for syncing your Blackberry to your computer doesn't work, does that mean they pay you to obtain and/or not use it. Phil
