Friday, February 11, 2011

The Anniversary

Hiddye Ho Good Friends.
Yes, it is Friday all day.  This is the first day of a 10 day warm-up here in Iowa.  We will get all the way to the mid-20's today.  Should be in mid-30's by Sunday.  Yeah!!!!

Last week we had a good size snowstorm.  I had not mentioned how the Toro 521 performed.  We received 14 inches of the white stuff with a pretty good wind.  Dutifully, I rolled the Toro out, pumped the primer the requisite number of times, and pulled the cord.  Ignition and blast off Houston, we have lift off.  That Toro sprang into action.  Taking my time,  I moved the snow like a pro, strutting behind it proud as a peacock.  My neighbor across the street was blowing at the same time.  Poor fella, he had some problems keeping his blower running.  I thought about going over to help but a little voice said, "No, No, just strut your stuff big guy.  They laughed at you when you had problems remember?"  Well, I didn't laugh but just quietly proceeded about my business letting the results speak for themselves.  Ah, satisfaction!

I happened across a snow plow that I became interested in.  I have spoken about how the baby boomers are just now beginning to hit 65 years of age.  I see this product being very popular amongst the bloomers in the coming years.  Check the picture below.  Huge potential for this product I think.
The simplicity of this design and its ease of attaching and operating are awesome.  I only wish I had invented it.

Dog Gym update.  The renovation of the canasta club into the Dog Gym is proceeding nicely.  I have had Kinnick, Barney and Max over to review our progress, to go over the plans and make suggestions.  Barney really likes the solar tanning bed I had designed.  It uses natural sunlight.  He did suggest that we relocate it more directly under a south facing window.  Sounded like a good idea.  The boys have tried the paw weights with great success.  The treadmill is a go also.  I have made a balcony overlooking the rest of the club.  On the balcony, we have placed the treadmills, elliptials and bikes.  The boys haven't tried the bike yet, so they may need further mods.  Under the balcony is the pool, whirlpool, sauna and steam rooms.  At the suggestion of both Kinnick and Barney, we have added individual sleeping rooms.  They are heated and cooled plus automatic waterers have been installed.  We pipe in music and have 19" LCD TVs mounted on the wall.  Barney particularly likes to watch football.  Progress is being made every day and we are anxious to get it open.

Today is our anniversary.  My current wife, Sue, and I have been married for 44 years now.  We have a whole day of festivities planned.  This morning we worked our at the gym for about an hour and a half.  We both left nice and sweaty.  We will be going out for a romantic lunch here in a bit.  We will be going to Subway and hopefully get the corner both.  We will share a foot long turkey & ham and a bag of chips.  Hope you don't get too jealous folks.  We will come home and take our afternoon naps.  No hanky panky allowed.  Tonight the girls are treating us to a movie.  I'm looking forward to the ginormous tub of buttered popcorn.  Yum!!!!  I should add a caveat that the girls have not actually invited us at this moment.  We are hoping they will though.  Should that not come to pass, we may spend the evening on facebook games.  If anyone needs help in planning an anniversary event, just let me know.  You can see I really know how to put together a doozy of a day.

In closing, one of my readers has raised a point of order in regards to the manner in which I refer to my daughters.  Jenny, being the oldest, I refer to as "the elder"; Debby, being the youngest, I refer to as "the younger".  Seems perfectly logical to me.  Debby, however, is an elder in our church.  To be "politically correct", I am told I should refer to Debby as "the younger elder" or perhaps "the elder younger".  It gets a little confusing you see.  Max snorted when I told him about this.  I think that is what I will do also.  Well, I've got to keep this anniversary party going so we will let you go.  Have a great weekend. TA!

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