Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday, Snow and Such

I have emerged from my birthday stupor.  The fog has lifted and I am re-energized with the help of extra strong French Roast.  I am kind of like the ground hog I guess.  After the birthday celebration, I come out of my "man cave" to see if I see my shadow.  I predict we will indeed have Spring.

I blessed my doctor with my presence yesterday.  Just a standard appointment, nothing wrong with this guy.  As usual I make my presence known about 15 minutes before my scheduled appointment.  With my chest stuck out with pride, I inform the receptionist/gate keeper that I have new insurance.  At this point I produce my new bright paper Medicare Card, give it to her for scanning into the computer system.  I almost feel like a new father.  I have achieved the 65 years old milestone.  Yeah or Yuck, I'm not quite certain yet.  But for now it will be a good thing.  She pleasantly suggests I have a seat and wait to be called.

A few minutes later, the nurse calls my name, gives me a perfunctory smile and leads me down the hall to an examination room.  Half way down she mentions over her shoulder that I need to hit the bathroom and collect a sample.  Oh Boy?  How did she know I had to go?  Neatly stacked on a shelf located within arm length to the toilet was a stack of plastic cups.  I assumed I was to use these to "collect" my sample.  She didn't give me any instructions so I just kept filling them up until I was done with my "business".  It was really tricky carrying all of those cups down the hall to her without spilling but I didn't lose a drop.  I think that is part of the test. Hand to eye coordination, balance and etc.  I could have used a tray and I did make this suggestion.  I was a little confused by her attitude when presented with 7 cups but just brushed it off as being Friday. 

I was sequestered in the examination room for about 5 minutes after the routine weigh in, blood pressure, temperature and pulse tests confirming that I am indeed alive.  I enjoy this quiet time before the doctor comes in.  A time for reflection on all of the indulgences you made which negatively impacted your health.  Sort of a health confessional I guess.  Knock, knock, the door opens and he strides in. "How are you feeling?" he asks as he pours over my records.  He didn't really want to know, it was just a greeting.  "Well, everything looks good, take this to the lab for a blood test and we will see you in six months." and he starts heading for the door.  "Excuse me Doc, Doc I have a couple of questions."  Spinning around he points to an engraved blue sign on the wall, about 12" by 12".  I quickly scanned it and got the sense that it said something like, he is busy, keep on point, and don't waste his time which affects his schedule.  He has been in there for a total of about 3 minutes.  I ignore the warning sign and continue asking my questions.  He is looking increasingly annoyed.  He grabs a stool, sits down wishing I was not here.  Being a little ticked off by this attitude at this point, I ask my 3 or 4 questions plus a few extra just to make him squirm.  Doc states, " these questions will take another 25 to 30 minutes. I don't have time now it will through my schedule off. Set up another appointment and tell them everything you want to know about and we will see you then." 

What the heck?  This medical professional whom I have used for 10 years or more just trivialized my presence and appointment.  I definitely felt that all he wanted was to collect the office visit fee.  I meekly walked out of the room.  Made the six month appointment. I did NOT make an additional appointment for my questions.  He probably wouldn't have time then either.  I began wondering who would be a good doctor to transfer my business to.  I don't want to just be an income source for this guy. 

Enough of my doctor rant for today.  Its time for breakfast and my tummy is growling.  The Grandpa Bailey's Spoiled Dog Kennel and Gym limo has a pickup this morning at 8:30.  Kinnick has booked an overnight here at the kennel.  This will actually be kind of nice because I need to get some measurements from him as I design some of the exercise stations in the Dog Gym.  Have a great weekend everyone.  TA!

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