Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tis Tuesday

We are excited to have our brand new gutters installed. Happened Saturday.  I think one of them is already plugged with leaves.  How did those leaves find the gutters so quickly? Ever wonder why they are called gutters?

Had a close encounter of an unusual kind Sunday night.  As is the custom during “Big Brother” season on TV, my current wife and I had supper at daughter #1’s house. Kinnick the yellow lab was there of course. Daughter #2 also showed up with the pugs – Barney and Max. Felt sorry for Barney. Poor guy had a little bug bite on his eye lid.  Didn’t seem to bother him. We all have our favorite seats to watch the TV. Mine is on the end of the couch with the recliner option in use.

Every dog in a two mile radius jumped on my lap and proceeded to lick my face until it was sore. Well maybe it was only the lab and pugs. Sure felt like a larger pack.  They licked noses, ears, eyes, eye glasses, hair, neck everywhere. Yuk! I think Barney did get some ear was out of my left ear. Good job Barney! Took a hot steamy shower as soon as I got home. It took me 2 days to get all of the dog licks off of my glasses.  Haven’t figured out why it is just me that they attack.  Must be my “sweet” personality! Don’t laugh. You got a better answer?

Kinnick has booked Saturday through Friday with us. Yeah! The pugs have booked 4 days next week also – it is the aforementioned  “Cranberry Festival” weekend.  Will need to get busy and clean the club for the visitors. Those canasta club ladies leave a mess every time they play.  We need to talk.

Well, the second cup of French roast is history and my caffeine boost is kicking in. Until the next time remember, Life Seen Through Dog-Licked Glasses is not for the feint of heart.

1 comment:

  1. CORRECTION: I guess I had a typo. ear was should be ear wax. Fat fingers, you know. Better get to the gym!
