Thursday, September 16, 2010

Drivel Over Easy

I am a little tardy in getting this posted today. It has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows here the past few days including some neighborhood intrigue. 

A few days back, I noticed that several plastic flags on wire stems had sprouted in the grass between my house and VM. VM is my neighbor who I affectionately call VM. I don’t know why.  I am concerned about how these things sprouted up so quickly.  I watched these for a couple of days and low and behold a few more sprouted up while I was gone to the gym. The next day, must have been Wednesday, when I got back from the gym, someone had spray painted graffiti on my grass and on the street and into my neighbor’s yard.   That is my neighbor across the street, not VM.

I thought about calling the cops but decided I didn’t really know anything so I waited.  I have quizzed many of neighbors as to what they have observed with virtually no success. No one saw anything. Today my current wife was peering out the window monitoring the traffic outside and spied the graffiti flag culprit. A seemingly nice young lady with a bright yellow vest and a pony tail.  Ah Ha! I got her.  I went to visit with her but held back. She was armed. She had a spray can mounted on a stick and another weapon that I can’t describe.  I gave her some room and took a closer look at my flags.  There was some printing on them like Electric Company, Telephone, Cable TV, Gas Company. Hmmmm! Oh shoot – it was just the buried cable lady. How dumb can I get? Don’t answer.

For a downer, me and my current wife received greeting letters from the IRS yesterday. Apparently, they hadn’t sucked enough out us previously and needed some more moolah. Probably for a stimulus program. But on a higher note, today I think I am officially retired.  I got my very own Medicare identification card. How cool is that?

We barely graduated from the Disaster College at the Red Cross last night. For the final, we had to do some role playing. I was a disaster victim and Sue was the Red Cross worker. Needless to say, I got fully engrossed in my character to the distraction of several other students. I was seriously worried about getting kicked out but I survived.  I don’t think I will be called anytime soon.

Lab sitting begins on Saturday as I have mentioned before. What I didn’t realize is that I now am also an official taxi for my daughters as well as their dogs. It just never stops. Pickup daughter #1 at 4:45 am and take to the airport. Right! Come back and pickup Kinnick and bring him to the GBSD&CC (Grandpa Bailey’s Spoiled Dog & Canasta Club).  The treat jar has been stocked. It should be nap time for both of us by then.

It is about time for me to pickup Kinnick from daycare so best sign off. Remember, almost everyone feels better about themselves after they flush the toilet!  Until the next time.

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