Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Belated Tuesday Trash

On my second cup of French roast this morning. Had a long Labor Day weekend. Fortunately, it was relatively labor free for a change. Typical of Iowa weather, it has cooled down just as football season begins. Right on cue.

Noticed how paranoid people on our street are. Yep, trash was out on the curb bright and early yesterday - Tuesday. Right on time almost. In Cedar Rapids we have a policy that delays trash pickup by one day when we have a Monday holiday. So really our trash day is today, Wednesday. Well, better safe than sorry.

On Monday afternoon we (my current wife and myself) participated in our first ever fantasy football draft. We thought it would be rather painless but I was wrong. These people showed up with notebooks of stats and cheat sheets. It took about 2 1/2 hours for us to name 16 choices on our team - Bailey Bruisers. Like the name? We played for the first time last year but our daughters did the draft for us. It was a humbling experience. A ten year old beat our socks off. Well, he was sitting right next to us on Monday and he was ready to do some damage. He was armed to the hilt. My gut tells me that this will be another humbling experience.

The Etavirp canasta league at Grandpa Bailey's Spoiled Dog and Canasta Club is into their third week. All has been going pretty good. All of the ladies seem to have a good time. The average age of our all female league is around 77 I think. Last Thursday we had a small incident. Two of the ladies got into a squabble over who had the lowest score and who had earned the lowest score prize. They were separated by cooler heads just as one raised her cane in the air. Whew! As commissioner and organizer I made the command decision to aware duplicate prizes to calm things down. They both received a coupon for free chicken tenders from Chik Filet. They were delighted.

Other than the stress over the canasta club fiasco, our dog sitting and limo service has been rather quiet. Kinnick did need a ride on Friday. He was glad to see me when I picked him up at the doggie day care. Or maybe he was just glad to get out of there! This was a combo event in that he came to my house for an evening sitting engagement. Got along fabulously. He did his duty in the backyard with gusto, barked in every direction to let the neighborhood dogs know he was on site. Then came in and collapsed in an exhausted heap. His mother did pick him up later and he was glad to be out of here. Life is good!

Negotiations are still ongoing regarding his extended stay. My peeps tell me that we are down to the details now. There seems to be agreement in concept. Various details still have to be worked out like defining the walking regime - when, how often, length, with backpack or not, morning or evening yadda yadda. I will let the peeps work all of that out. I'm just too busy.

We attend our first Disaster College class last night. I just happened upon it while surfing the web. It was high level last night with an overview of what is a disaster, who it affects and how. Tonight we get into more of the meat of the class with Mass Disaster. Really can't wait. Discussing carnage can be stimulating. No wait, I mean it is a very rewarding and necessary function when disaster strikes. Affected people need assistance. I think I forgot to mention that this was put on by the American Red Cross. We are thinking of volunteering since they were so helpful during our flood experience in 2008. I really am too busy but will give it a go.

The coffee cup is empty now and I am amped up to workout at the gym so I had best get moving. Have a great day. Ta!

1 comment:

  1. I think I might shake a cane at someone for some free chicken tenders. I don't blame those ladies for brawling!
