As we give thanks on this special day, let us say a prayer for the turkeys that paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we can celebrate. They do not, unfortunately, get as much recognition as they should. Last week as I traveled I380 to Iowa City, I passed a semi loaded with turkeys. They were packed in there really tight. At first I thought they may have been heading to Riverside to gamble a bit, but realistically I am afraid their fate was not to be that lucky.
Before I go further let me bring in Barney. Barney has contributed to the blog from time to time. This being a special issue, He wanted to be a part of it. Here Barney take over.
Thanks Grandpa. Listen closely because sometimes pugs will slur their words a bit. I apologize before I start. Many of you may know that I recently had my eleventh birthday. Yep, I am getting old. My joints ache a bit now and I don't have as much energy as I once had. I have been extremely fortunate to have had Debby, my mom, taking care of me. Life has never been so good. I am also very thankful to have a brother like Max. He can be a pest sometimes but we really do love each other.

Now back to Grandpa.
Very nice introduction Barney and very kind thoughts and words. So far Murphy has been fun. He does three things; eat, sleep and play. Occasionally, this is a potty in there also. Have you every tried to potty train a little puppy in cold weather? They begin shivering at the thought of going outside. He is eating and drinking pretty good I would say. We have confined the “#1 accidents to the kitchen. We haven't had to deal with a #2 yet and I am a little concerned. He has his first vet check tomorrow and they want a fresh #2 brought a long. I may only be able to provide a crude drawing or something. He has decided that my shoulder is the preferred nesting place. Oh, and I have noticed that everything is a chew toy to him. Updates will ensue as he grows.
News Headline: Homicide victims rarely talk to police.
Has anyone researched to find what component in brownies and frosting triggers our brain to crave more? I really can't think of a better research topic. Oh, the common wisdom is the sugar is the trigger. I contend, however, that there is a substance that probably increases the dopamine levels in the brain. This is the stimulus for the craving of more. If we could isolate this substance, we should be able to develop a synthetic look alike that could be bred into our fruits and vegetables. Thus eliminating our diet and obesity problems. Worth a try?
Did you know?......
Dogs poop in alignment with Earth's magnetic field
A dog's sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than humans.
Paul McCartney recorded an ultrasonic whistle audible only to dogs at the end of “A Day in the Life.”
Humans and dogs are the only two species known to seek visual cues from another's eyes. And dogs only do it with humans.
Fido, Abraham Lincoln's dog, was also assassinated.
The first cloned dogs, six Canadian Labradors, started to work for South Korea's customs service as sniffers in 2009.
The world's oldest dog died at age 29.
Every dog's mitochondrial DNS is 99.9% the same as a gray wolf.
Dogs have 13 blood types while humans only have 4.
In South Carolina, the maximum sentence for beating your dog is longer than the maximum sentence for beating your wife.
A guy is 3 times more likely to get a girl's phone number if he has a dog with him.
Dogs and cats only sweat from their footpads and nose.
There is a fine line between patience and manslaughter.
An elderly couple went into a doctor. They told the doctor, “We're having some trouble with our sex life. Could you watch and offer some suggestions?” The doctor replied, “I'm not a sex therapist. You should find someone else.” The couple said, “No, no, we trust you.” After watching them have sex, the doctor said, “You don't seem to be having any troubles. I wish my sex life was as good. I can't give you any suggestions.”
This was repeated the next week and also the third week. After they had finished on the third week, the doctor said, “You aren't having any trouble at all. Is this your idea of kinky sex?” The man replied, “No, actually the problem is if we have sex at my home, my wife will catch us. If we have sex at her house, her husband will catch us. The motel charges us $50, and we can't afford that. But you only charge $35, and Medicare pays half of that.”
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service. – Happy Thanksgiving. Should we meet again we meet again -TA!
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