Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Trashy Tuesday Redux

The Bailey household has reached a milestone in our trash history.  For the very first time, our Yardy, Curby and garbage can are completely full.  It's a Trifecta!!!  Enjoy Solid Waste peeps.

Eureka!!!  I survived the Rapture, I think.  "Is this Heaven?" "No, it's Iowa."  Haven't really been able to determine one way or the other so far.  As I am writing this, I don't know if I have become a zombie or not.  Perhaps those of you reading this are zombies also.  Who knows?  I think I will just plod along and not worry about it.  Such is life.

Grandpa Bailey's Doggie Fitness Center and Spa
It was a busy week for the staff at the Center last week.  Kinnick, the yellow lab, has a bad case of allergies.  He was itching like crazy even to the point of creating sores.  Jenny, the elder, took him to the Vet and Kinnick was put on regime of anti-allergy pills.  The side effects are increased thirst and increased need to eliminate the increased water in-take.  His energy level is a bit subdued also.  When he has a need to eliminate the fluids, he just goes and goes and goes.  We have counted as high as 65.  I have to relate a story about Kinnick's patience and need to mind his master.  Last Monday, Jenny decided he could stay home all day.  She went home at lunch time to let him out.  After work she had a need to make a stop at a store on her way home.  This delayed her arrival by about 30 minutes.  When she got home, Kinnick had an URGENT need to go outside.  Next she noticed slight traces of leakage going from room to room.  Obviously, he was desperately trying not to have an accident inside but was feverishly trying to find a solution.  Poor thing.  He really is such a GOOD Dog.  Proud of him.  Obviously, we have had to modify his training regime to compensate for his affliction.  A good deal of training is being conducted outside.

I had 4 windows replaced last Tuesday.  The company was scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm but showed up at 11:00 am a full 2 hours early.  I'm glad I had gotten my clothes on earlier in the morning.  Otherwise it could have been very embarrassing.  These guys went to town.  It took them about 15 minutes to remove the old ones.   All in all, the job was completed in about 2 hours.  The crew was very good and these windows are really great.  You may remember that I spent part of my $78.00 tax refund for this project.  Of course I now have a sign stuck in my yard proclaiming "Window World Windows".  Not sure if this is here permanently or not.

Let's give MacBlu a big thumbs up.  He has supplied not one but two words of the week.  These are really good ones.  I hope you have your thinking cap on.  Enjoy.

Word(s) of the Week -  Aglet  &  Filtrum

Speaking of MacBlu, we had our first summit meeting  of the season yesterday over the back fence.  We were mowing our respective yards.  My current wife, Sue, "encouraged" me to mow the backyard and collect the grass trimmings.  Which I did.  I think MacBlu felt sorry for me.  He was mowing with his riding lawn mower and I was trudging back and forth with my self-propelled unit, sweat freely flowing, my shirt completely soaked, and gasping for breath.  It was definitely a welcome break.  Thanks MacBlu.  I succeeded in completing the mowing project without stepping in doggie droppings.  That is a victory in my eyes.  Kinnick usually walks behind me to get his cardio exercise out of the way. Yesterday, showing just how smart he was, he decided to remain inside in the cool.  

Last week I pulled the plug on Sue's email account.  I had reached my limit with it.  For the last 12 to 18 months I have been preparing for this day.  All of the subscriptions and business notices going to the old email account had been diverted to her new email account.  I have noticed, however, over the last couple of months I really wasn't gaining any ground at weening away from that account.  As with most of my projects this one started off on the wrong foot and never really got back on track.  We did succeed in changing over our Internet service.  The new company was supposed to be here at 8:30 am Friday.  At that time, they called to reschedule to Monday.  Okay, fine!  At 11:30 they called and asked if they could stop in at 2:00 pm that day,  Sure I replied.  At 12:30, an hour later, they called again to see if they could stop by immediately.  Why not, my day has been scrambled up beyond belief so far.  They arrive, do their job and leave.  Great or so I thought.  Later I discovered that one TV didn't receive any stations. While we debugged that situation, Sue found a big bag in the basement with an expensive meter inside.  Hmmm! bargaining chip I think to myself.   Sue also noted that the TV in her computer room, although it had a cable box attached, said there was no cable box and about half of the stations were not viewable.  It was soon after I realized they had not told me anything about the new email address.  At 4:30 Friday afternoon I called them.  I didn't really have much hope of resolving the issues but I thought I would try.  Long story short, they fixed Sue's cable box thing, I fixed the other TV by moving a cable and they submitted a work order for the email to be completed on Monday.  Why it is not a standard practice I don't know.  I was able to wiggle a $10 credit from them as a result.  I think it was sort of a ransom payment to get their equipment back.  As I sit here writing my blog, I am watching TV and marveling at the speed of the connection.  It was bumpy but the end result seems just fine.

Aglet--Metal or plastic tip crimped on to your shoelaces that will keep them from unravelling. (You now what a problem that can be.)

Filtrum--That indent on your upper lip right under your nose. The story was that this was the mark on the newborn infant upper lip was the fingerprint of an angel to keep the baby from telling the mystery of heaven.

The French Roast is all gone now.  As I study the coffee grounds, they are telling me it is time to end this drivel.  Coffee grounds don't lie so I best close this issue.  Have a great day and a better tomorrow!!!  TA.

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