Friday, March 18, 2011

Knock, Knock - Hello, I'm Back!!!

Hello everyone, I bet you thought I was gone for good, or at least hoping I was gone for good.  No such luck.  I am beginning to recover from a prolonged case of disruptus laptopic syndrome.  It is rare and can cause significant neurological problems if it remains untreated for an extended period of time.  It seems as though I became afflicted immediately after the passing of my current wife's laptop computer.  It comes on subtly, increasing over the first couple of weeks.  The only treatment that I am aware of is the replacement of the lost laptop computer.  The feeling of anxiety resulting from separation anxiety manifested in disruptus laptopic syndrome will be cured quickly once a replacement has been installed I am told.  Until them it will rage unabated.  I have began a proactive treatment regimen by ordering a new laptop.  Agonizingly it won't be delivered until next week.

You may have suspected that my access to a computer has been severely limited.  Actually, the only way I am able to write at this time is because Sue decided to lay down in her bed for a few minutes.  She routinely dozes off but usually at the keyboard of the computer leaving me no access.  I have 25 minutes so I had better hustle.

Today I had lunch at one of my favorite spots, Sammy's on Center Point Road.  Joining me was Sue, Jenny the elder, H a good friend of penguins, Adi Das and her sister.  We had quite a time and of course good food.   We reviewed everything from the NCAA tournament to H's recent trip to Antarctica (sp).  Really an enjoyable time.

The Grandpaw Bailey Fitness Center had its grand opening on Tuesday.  What an event.  I will fill you all in when we get this syndrome curtailed.  Just let me say, all of the dogs really liked my trainers - Bob and Jilian.  They really got everyone motivated.  Daughter Debby, the younger elder, got pumped up.  She has taken Barney & Max on walk/runs the past couple of days.  Not just around the block, oh no, not her.  She walks the first mile.  Barney & Max do pretty well with this.  Then she turns around and JOGS back home - another mile.  Now Barney & Max do not really think this second mile is a good time.  They have to run also.  You may remember that they are pugs.  Eighteen pounds of pure lazy dog.  Barney's idea of a good workout is catching some rays in the solar tanning station.   Debby related that on the way back, they looked for anything that they could pee on.  Anything for a little break you see.  She thought she might have to carry Barney back.  They apparently are sleeping VERY well these days.

I will close now.  Sue needs to be roused out of her slumber.  I have strict orders.  I have so much to get caught up on, I can't wait to get back into blogging action.  Many of my readers are getting edgy.  Some have even called to see if anything was wrong.  Please have a GREAT weekend.  Enjoy the early spring weather.  I love it, I love it.  Until next time.  TA!

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