Great Truths - "In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress." -- John Adams
Good Morning faithful friends.
I have started this unusually early today for some unknown reason. I guess I just thought it would be cool to start blogging before taking the trash to the curb. I actually have kind of neat story about our Garbage Gestapo. In particular the recycling guy. Last week I was sitting here blogging when the recycling truck stopped across the street at the educators place. I had noticed she was out only a few minutes earlier dealing with some very large cardboard boxes. She was trying to get them into the CURBY before the truck came. No such luck, it came before she was done. My current wife arrived home from the gym and related how the Educator was standing next to the truck talking with the operator of the truck. She reportedly was gesturing as she talked. OMG, I was afraid she had been busted and was pleading her case. This "discussion" continued for ten minutes or so. Finally, the truck continued on its route, the Educator went back into her house. By this time I was outside so I could get a better view. I fully expected the Garbage Gestapo enforcement team to arrive with sirens and flashing lights. No sooner had things calmed down when the recycling truck started up my side of the street. He stopped next door at MS the IT. Again my radar goes off. MS is out there engaging in a somewhat animated discussion with the operator. On and On it goes. Being of a somewhat suspicious nature, I imagine the Educator went inside, called MS and asked her to delay the truck so she could covertly add more cardboard to the truck. Sure enough the Educator seizes the opportunity, grabs some cardboard from her neighbor and donates it to the truck.
The truck spent so much time with these two pickups that the YARDY truck caught up with him. He jumped in his truck, roared up to my place while the YARDY guy overtook him and passed him. For a second I thought we were going to have a drag race down the street but cooler heads prevailed.
When the coast was clear, I caught up with the Educator to get the blow by blow recap of these events. She proceeded to crush my assumption of a series of confrontations with the recycling guy and a conspiracy of some sort. It was related to me that he was a very nice guy doing some PR work. He also explained that he gets paid by the route and not the time it takes so no taxpayer money was wasted. How great was that to take some of his time to just visit? MS also took the time to visit with him. Rats - no conspiracy, no dust up on Hysteria Lane. Dang, I had hoped for some excitement. Oh well, maybe this week.
I am pausing here to take this weeks contribution to the landfill out to the curb. Back in a few....
Hi, I'm back. Didn't take too long. I really love Spring, Summer and Fall for taking the trash to the curb. That winter stuff is for the birds. No, wait the birds, snow or otherwise, migrate south where it is warmer. Makes you wish you were a bird, doesn't it?
I do this all the time, don't I Sue?
I have been considering changing my focus a little - from the Solid Waste Agency to our beloved Streets Department. It has been interesting to look at how our city, home of five seasons and the toilet bowl brush sculpture, has been spending all of the money received since the 2008 flood. Money has been flooding in from all sources; state and federal. Our city leaders have a been caught drooling from time to time. They are building all sorts of buildings that are unduly ornate and equipped with all of the techno gadgets on the market. Don't get me wrong, our city leaders are the only ones going ga-ga. Our county is equally inept at making solid taxpayer saving decisions. Probably the biggest offender in the area has been our school system. They have built an edifice suitable for a potentate or shah or something. An utter WASTE of money. Does the quote at the beginning make sense? Back on topic, our city leaders have for the most part totally ignored the condition of our streets over these 4 years. Oh, they have built a 24 lane (an exaggeration) street an intersection on the east side near the mall. I heard yesterday that they are continuing to redo more of this street. Other than that, I don't think they have laid new asphalt much of anywhere else with one giant exception. It seems that their response to the deterioration of our streets is to patch the crack, pot hole or heat eruption with cold patch asphalt. The trouble is without exception is that the patched spot is rougher than what they were trying to fix. They have done so much of this patching that many streets are worse than a gravel road. What is wrong with these idiots? Is it any wonder that the citizenry are getting fed up? A friend of mine related this situation and I started making my own observations. I see a bright side coming out of these rough roads. We will be able to reduce the size of our police force since no one will dare speed over these roads. If they do, they will tear up their cars. Could that be the motivation by our city leaders? Hmmmm!
A couple of weeks ago, I reported on the "Alien Crop Circles in the Lawn at our church". Do you remember? If not, the short version is we discovered brown round spots in the grass. They appeared suddenly and no one could figure out where they came from. Bugs were quickly dismissed. The popular opinion was that it was Aliens training their young on how to make crop circles. As time has passed, that cause has fallen out of favor for a more logical one that someone used Roundup to kill dandelions. I know, that sounds a bit strange also. But consider this, a spray bottle has shown up with the wording "Caution this will kill everything". I believe one of our own may have been responsible. Just Sayin'.
I have taken a little time off from my outside projects. I just had to take a break but only after I moved the left over blocks from the driveway to the back on the patio. That was 5700 lbs. that I moved. A substantial miscalculation don't you think? I had to get these blocks off of the pallets because of an email I received. It seems as though Charles, not his real name, wanted these pallets to use for a "fish boil". Ever heard of a "fish boil"? I hadn't either until I visited Door County, Wisconsin the first time. It is almost a national past time up there. They build a large fire; put a big cast iron kettle on the fire with water. Let the water get to a boil; then put fish in the hot water. Before you know what happened, the fish is done and ready to eat. I'm not a big fish fan.
Last but not least, my current wife survived her birthday. She seems pretty well adjusted so I think we treated her right. The center piece of the gift giving had to be the NEW Rubbermaid toilet plunger. Not an ordinary plunger mind you. No, No, No!! This is special. It sheds water and "other stuff". Nothing will cling to this thing so you will never have a storage "problem' if you get my drift. I felt she would appreciate a crowning touch to the bathroom redo. Okay, a little birdie just whispered in my ear that I need to keep this shorter than last weeks edition. I guess I had best close for this week. My French Roast is cold anyhow. Until we cross paths again, TA!
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