Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Trashy Tuesday - Food for Thought

Good morning Blog readers near and far.  How are you today?  I think I am pretty darn good for an old geezer type.  Those of you who read my blog via Facebook or blogger may have noticed a couple of additions to the right side column. I added "Recent Comments" and "Funny Things to Ponder".  I will watch this and see how it works.  Any blog with "Drivel" in its title must have the "Funny Things to Ponder".  Goodness knows I ponder not only those funny things but things that normal human beings never waste their time with.  For instance, how many of you have given a thought to the question -"Is there another word for synonym?"  I would expect that not many have wasted their time on that question.  Or how about "Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?"  I have absolutely no idea.

I want to give a shout-out to a good friend, JA the smiler.  He has been hospitalized for a few days but seems to be coming along better now.  Pray that he continues to improve and gets home soon.  While I am thinking about it, thoughts go out to MacBlu, the word meister.  His car had an altercation with another one the other day.  We all know the inconvenience and hassle that can be.  Also a shout-out to the current wife, Sue.  Many of you remember that she was diagnosed with "Spondylolisthesis". She has been getting physical therapy for this condition as well as knee problems.  The spinal cord or nerve roots are squeezed which causes back pain, numbness or weakness in one or both legs.  In some cases, control of the bladder or bowels is lost.  Thank goodness, we have not had THAT symptom.  Obviously, there is pain in the back and also the buttock plus pain down the back of the leg(s), numbness in the leg and even a limp.  She is of hardy stock, so it is good that she is improving.

She has been back to Silver Sneakers at the gym a couple of times.  All of her fellow sneaker buddies gave her a big greeting and welcomed her back.  Babs, the instructor, for some reason hardly gave her the time of day which is opposite of the relationship prior to the injury.  Oh, they forget us so soon.  On the gym front, I have started a new training regime.  It is called "From couch to 5K training".  Yep, I have begun my training for a 5K.  I will be 66 when this event occurs this spring.  I never thought I would ever permit myself to get into something like this.  I have mentioned in the past that my mouth will sometimes say something BEFORE get the answer from my brain.  I really have been doing very well at controlling this but I slipped up.  I will keep you posted on a geezers training progress.

Almost ran over a dog the other day backing out of my driveway.  It was over in my yard doing its "business".  Really everyone around here is very conscientious when it comes to their pets.  There dogs are let out in an enclosed back yard or let out on a leash and picked up by their owner.  Unfortunately, there are some who just allow their dogs to roam free to do their thing where ever.  Most homeowners don't really appreciate having other dog's waste products left in their yard and I am one of the "most".  Shoot when my granddogs are here, their dodo is picked up right away and by the way, they are in our enclosed backyard.  No straying allowed with these guys.  Of course at the spa with the French Doggie Bidet, these types of situations never happen.  BTW (By The Way), the bidet is working great.  Our weather has been unseasonably warm here in Iowa so we haven't had a recurrence of extended freezing conditions.  Yvette (big blue eyes) is on my speed dial just in case.

I want to apologize to anyone who called us the last few weeks, left a message and didn't get called back.  You have heard Iowa had the first in the nation caucus recently.  The candidate phone calls were simply overwhelming.  We actually turned our answering machine off, turned the ringer way down on the phones, screened all incoming calls and didn't answer any unknown phone numbers.  Everything is back on now.  Amazingly, all of those calls ended the morning of January 4th, the day after the caucus.  So glad to have them gone.  I really believe that the campaigning should not start before June 1st with the general election in November.  We just don't need all of this wasted spending and time consuming hype for more than a year.  Obama has been campaigning full time since this fall.  He will have campaigned FULL TIME for more than a year by the time of the election.  I feel this is an utter disgrace and a BIG slap in our face as to what he thinks of the American people.  Does anyone know just how many days he has actually been in the White House?  How many nights has he slept there?  Can't be too many.

I have to apologize to the Garbage Gestapo.  I blamed them for snatching my Red Cross Flood bucket we use for our glass recycling.  They didn't snatch it after all.  Instead the guy flung it between my house and MacBlu's.  Apparently, he had just consumed a "5 hour" energy drink or something and was curious to see how far this bucket could be flung.  Way to do dude.  Maybe an apology is not really needed after all.  I was fortunate to find this because my Men's Breakfast group was discussing the possibility of asking this gestapo guy to come to our breakfast and give a "presentation".  The group were planning just how to attack him and what to do to "teach him a lesson!" I was sweating this out a little because it is not the type of thing people should do in church if you know what I mean.

OMG, Jenny, the elder, invited me to go to the dog park with her and Kinnick last weekend. It was a bit chilly and the trails were yucky but Kinnick had a FABULOUS time.  He has a round fuzzy ring that he likes to retrieve.  Now he does this in his backyard but he more or less just goes through the motions and only does it a couple of times.  At the park, this dog took on all of the traits of a yellow lab. He stood tall, strutted, ears up and tail arched upwards, proud as a peacock.  I noticed the enthusiasm he exhibited retrieving this toy.  He showed his colleagues how to retrieve the right way.  He raced after this toy more than a dozen times using his best sprinter form every time.  When we decided to quit, Kinnick was so out of breath that his tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth.  I had never seen him do that.  It was a hoot.

I have gotten my organic French Roast coffee produced in my French press all consumed.  I feel I have inflicted enough drivel nonsense upon you for one day.  Hope you all have a GREAT Day.  TA!

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