Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hey - It's Trashy Tuesday!

Hiddye Ho Good Friends,
Once again we get together on Trashy Tuesday.  I must admit that there is little to report on our ongoing vigil of the Garbage Gestapo.  Everyone on my street seem to be coping rather nicely during this warm, humid, rainy spell we are experiencing.  Well, there is one guy down toward the end of the street that has an old barbecue grill on the curb.  Fat chance the Gestapo will pick it up.  His only hope is that a garbage browser will take off his hands.  Yes, there are folks who like to scour the neighborhoods before the Gestapo to see if there is anything intriguing sitting on the curb, free for the taking.  No idea what they get out of this activity.

Had a pretty big scare yesterday.  I had big and a very busy day planned.  We had the gym workout in the am followed immediately with a funeral.  I was "invited" to attend our church session meeting last night.  You know I have mentioned from time to time that my mouth just says stuff on its own before checking with my brain.  It happened again a week or two ago when my mouth suggested to some people at church that we needed a Technology Committee to manage our music, presentation, TV, sound and computing assets.  That comment was taken to heart and all of a sudden I was "The Man" to pull this together. 

I checked my email before leaving for the gym.  I see a couple that look funny so I just deleted them.  A moment later I get a couple of emails telling me that my email could not be delivered.  Since I had not sent any emails, this seemed curious.  Upon closer examination it became evident that something or someone had hacked my contact list and mass emailed a bogus message purportedly from me.  Well I couldn't tend to it right then.  When I returned, I immediately changed my password and reported this situation to Yahoo, my email provider.  I proceeded to send emails to all 400 plus contacts to alert them to this situation.  I did split my emails into 5 or 6 emails so they would send better.  Unfortunately, Yahoo was looking at my account and deemed these emails as spam and blocked them.  Crap!  I further split my emails into smaller batches and finally got them to go.  Everything seems to be fine now thank goodness.

Last night I loaded up my overview of the committee(s) I was proposing and my mouth and headed over to the church.  Fortunately, I was first on the agenda.  I introduced my mouth to everyone and it proceeded to make a presentation.  Lucky for me that my daughter, Debby the younger Elder or whatever, is on the session.  She jumped right in with a motion to approve, there was a quick second and a unanimous vote.  Thank you for your smile and you may leave.  Off I go, just me and my mouth.

Today was the last in a week full of dog sitting duties which were challenging at times.  The biggest challenge is one of communication.  I don't understand Lab or Pug dialects.  I sure wish I could speak "dog".  I have really been trying to pick up Kinnick's dialect with mixed success.  Apparently Labs have a complex vocabulary featuring slight intonations and guttural tones that are difficult pick up.  Much like the English language where a word is pronounced in a variety of ways depending upon the intended meaning.  You take a word like "read" coupled with sound alike words like "red" or "reed".  You can get pretty darn confused.  So it is with Lab speak.  Just when a "humph" appears to mean "Hey Dude, I must go outside to relieve the pressure I am experiencing in my Bladder." it really means "Duh, I want to play NOW!" It just leaves me scratching my head.  I have googled "Lab Speak" with little success.  Surely someone has already undertaken this.  Now the Pug dialect is even more confusing because you have to also learn the different panting and snorting patterns.  I haven't even given those a try yet.

MacBlu is at it again with the Word of the Week.  Here it is "Gonif".  It is only 5 letters but may give you a little challenge.

Had a great fathers day.  I hope all of the fathers reading this had a good day also.  I had PowerPoint duty during church services.  Yep, the mouth again.  I came off pretty good fortunately.  Next, the daughters, Jenny the elder and the aforementioned Debby the younger Elder or whatever, treated me to lunch.  I was presented with a very nice card with a picture of a digital display watch to go with my Body Bugg.  I use this device to measure the calories I burn each day.  I thanked them graciously but was not to certain what I was supposed to do with the picture of the watch.   Eventually, they explained that they had ordered one of these and it had not arrived yet.  Ah, thank god.  I was afraid it would be one of those awful pastel ties that you get once in a while and ends up in your closet.  Never to see the light of day.  Cool gift.  Jenny delivered it this morning along with Kinnick, who I guess is spending the day with us.  I've got it on as I write.  It shows the time of day wonderfully.  I really haven't gotten beyond that yet.  I may have to read the instruction manual do you suppose?

We had a bit of excitement the other day.  I looked out the window and a police car was parked right in front of our house.  OMG - I started to hide everything illegal and noticed that he actually went across the street.  Appears as though he was curious about the rusted out Suburban parked in the grass for the past 3 or 4 years.  I imagine he noticed the broken back window, the trash that fills the interior and possibly the weeds growing inside it.  I don't know if the cop was interested in purchasing it or encouraging the owners to move it out of the yard.  Probably the later I expect.  Our city fathers have a law about that also similar to our trash policies.  If you get my drift.

Word of the Week - Gonif.  a word of Yiddish origin meaning thief or rascal.  Shoot, I figured it was some sort of communicable disease that no one wants to contract.

The clock on the wall is pointing to work out time.  I had best get ready.  I really can't wait.  I am getting pretty good at strutting around, sweating, looking beat and not really doing anything.  You see I have been watching the others at the club and have picked up on their routines pretty well.  Ever wonder why the instructors and trainers are always skinny as a rail?  Sure they lead classes and such but they kind of take it easy if you know what I mean.  We have a couple that are almost as old as me, are skinny, toned, tanned and look like they are 35.  This is just insane.  I figure I will look like that only if my mouth is stapled shut.  Yes, THE MOUTH, it may be a good thing for other reasons.  I'm just saying.  Shoot, the French Roast is cold now so I had best be on my way.  Have a good one.  TA!

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