Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trash Tuesday

Foiled the garbage man again, HA HA!!!!! 6:57 am my garbage and recyclables were on the curb despite the hurricane like winds.  I think I set a record for trash collecting in our house – 7 minutes 23 seconds.  A mark that should stand for some time.  Looking up and down the street, I noted people employed different strategies combating the winds.  Many simply put the trash into plastic garbage bags.  Surely thinking that would prevent the wind from separating the contents from the bag.  Actually, appeared pretty effective.  Others simply didn’t do anything different.  They placed their flimsy plastic garbage cans at the curb as normal impervious to the perils high winds can cause trash.  Wasn’t 10 minutes before the cans were blown over, lid blown off and contents strewn all over the neighborhood.  Peoples used stuff swirling through the neighborhood. Pretty sight.  Probably not the sharpest knives in the drawer. 

My strategy was totally my own.  I would not bow to the wind so I used our plastic garbage can.  That was the only thing I had in common with the dull knives.  I made sure the heaviest trash was at the bottom thus lowering the center of gravity.  Secondly, I strategically placed the garbage can out of the wind.  I sheltered it next to the “Curby”.  The “Curby” is designed to withstand the wind much better.  My strategy proved extremely successful – didn’t lose a bit of trash.  None of my waste swirling around the neighborhood.  Pretty heavy thinking before the French Roast kicks in.

Many of you know the Grandpa Bailey Spoiled Dog Kennel and Canasta Club has taken on Kinnick as a long term border.  Well, what is not known too well is that our neighbor behind us has 3 really obnoxious female dogs.  They feel they are empowered to be the neighborhood watch dogs.  They patrol every inch of their fence perimeter searching for trespassers.  They bark at EVERYTHING!  They even bark if they see us looking out a window.  Good Grief.  Also, my good neighbor beside me, Mr. Macblue, is now sitting for 3 dogs, also female.  I am becoming concerned about our neighborhood becoming overpopulated with dogs.  Solid waste disposal could become an issue plus the liquid waste could begin leaching into the ground water.  We could be on the cusp of a much larger problem.

Anyway, the other night I had not only Kinnick but the pugs, Barney & Max.  Max to say the least is an instigator.  He is the first to bark at another dog and keeps yapping until they get riled up. He then steps way back and allows Barney or Kinnick to do the heavy work.  As usual, Max began the fracas, the barking, the chasing up and back along the fence with the Macblue dogs – Barney, Max and Kinnick plus 3 on the other side.  Back and forth, back and forth.  Barney was especially spirited.  The back neighbor dogs joined in.  We had dogs chasing everywhere.  I finally got my dogs sort of under control – Max and Kinnick trotted into the house, great but Barney was another story.  He was soooo exhausted, he would take a couple of steps and then fall spread eagle in the grass, panting like a fool.  I urged him to come on, he got up, took a couple more steps and down he went again.  I was concerned that he was going to have a heart attack.  He is after all almost seven.  I finally picked up the poor pug and carried him into the house.  Put him down in the kitchen to get a drink but he just spread eagled again.  All in all, it took Barney about half an hour to recover.  Poor thing.  He indicated that he was appreciative of my efforts.

Just another bit of drivel from an ole geezer like myself who is teetering on the eve of Medicare eligibility.  Now for that second cup of French Roast. TA!

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